For centuries, crystals, minerals and gem stones have been used to heal and bring about physical, emotional and spiritual balance. The ancients believed that when worn, the energy of the stones would interact with the human electromagnetic field to bring about subtle energetic changes.


Royals have worn crystals throughout history in their jewelry, crowns, thrones and swords. Interestingly, the placement of crystals on the crown on a royal’s head could activate their crown chakra, and the same goes for a necklace over the heart chakra, rings on fingers for energy meridians, and earrings to stimulate reflex points. It kind of makes you wonder if all jewelry was initially intended to connect healing stones to different energetic points on the body?!

Crystals have also been used burials, in divination, and in healing rituals for thousands of years.  As well as, ancient magicians relied upon Black Tourmaline, known as Schorl, to protect them from earth demons as they cast their spells.  Rose Quartz, the heart stone, was used as a love token as early as 600 B.C. and is still an important talisman of relationships.


  • The Ancient Egyptians: Used crystals for protection and health, and buried the dead with a piece of quartz on their forehead to help guide them to the afterlife. Dancers wore rubies in their bellybuttons to enhance their sexuality, and a necklace over the heart was intended to bring love into ones life. Forehead crowns were also worn to stimulate the third eye. They even used ground Lapis Lazuli and Malachite as eye makeup. Perhaps the most interesting is the account of pharaohs who carried a copper cylinder and zinc cylinder each filled with quartz, to balance the Ka and Ba energies of the body (equivalent of Ying & Yang today).


  • Ancient Greeks: Rubbed themselves with crushed hematite before going into battle thinking that it would make them invincible. The name for Amethyst is derived from the words for “not drunken” in Greek, because Amethyst was worn as an amulet to protect against drunkenness and hangovers. Even the word “crystal” is derived from the Greek word for ice, because quartz crystal looked like water that was frozen and would never melt.


  • Romans:  The use of crystals as amulets and talismans was very common amongst the Romans. Soldiers carried Tiger’s Eye to provide protection in battle.  Roman  Crystals were used in medical treatment and to attract desirable things, enhance health.
  • India:  The Hindu Vedas, the sacred 5000 year old religious texts, discuss the use of different crystals to treat certain medical ailments, as well as the specific properties of different crystals. For example, they say that emerald will bring good luck. Aryuvedic medicine has also recognized the healing powers of crystals for hundreds of years such as Carnelian and Red Aventurine.


  • Mayans, Aztecs and Incans: All three of these societies understood the power of using crystals for balance and healing on physical, emotions and spiritual levels. Crystals were used to diagnose and treat disease, well as to see the future through divination. According to some accounts, the Incans considered certain stones (such as emeralds) to be so powerful, they chose to die before giving the conquerors the location of their emerald mines. 


  • Indigenous Tribes: American Indians and indigenous tribes of Australia have used, and continue to use, crystals to diagnose and heal illness. Many of the stones used in their traditional jewelry are thought to contain healing powers, including Agate, Turquoise, Onyx, Red Jasper and more.


  • Ancient Chinese: the 5,000 year old practice of Chinese Medicine often incorporates crystals for their healing powers, including the use of crystal needles in modern day Chinese acupuncture and Pranic Healing. Chinese emperors were even buried in Jade / Green Aventurine armor as a symbol of wealth and power.
  • Ancient Japanese: The ancient Japanese were skilled at the art of scrying, using transparent crystal balls to produce visions. Quartz crystal spheres were thought to represent the hearts of dragons, which symbolized power and wisdom.


  • Tibetan Buddhists have considered quartz crystal spheres to be objects of great holy, spiritual power, believing their properties could even assist with enlightenment. In Buddhism, the Medicine Buddha is called “Healing Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance,” and its rituals include meditating on Lapis Lazuli.


  • Neolithic Man: The use of talismans and amulets dates back to the times of prehistoric man, with the oldest crystal amulet, made from Baltic Amber, dating back over 30,000 years. Prehistoric humans also constructed stone tribal burial chambers, or ‘Megaliths‘ that were designed according to the texture, weight, color and vibration of the stone to maximize its resonance.


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