Sandalwood has one of the highest vibrations of any oil that resonates with aspects of ourselves, attracting the highest spiritual vibrations, opening the highest spiritual centers and aligning the chakras to enhance spiritual awareness and allowing healing energies to flow.

Aromatically, Sandalwood Oil is rich, woody yet sweet. It is frequently utilized in high end fragrances and is a favorite amongst both men and women.


How Sandalwood helps in deep meditation

Sandalwood, a sweet smelling essential oil, has been used for centuries in countries like India. Sandalwood assists meditation and prayer by quieting that constant mental chatter in our heads when we begin to focus. Sandalwood is quite effective in helping us achieve the deepest states of meditation so we can easily connect with that universal cosmic prayer that is infinite and beautiful.


How Sandalwood affects the subtle energies of the chakra system

The beauty of this complex sandalwood oil is that it works on several subtle chakra levels simultaneously. How Sandalwood oil affects you is you feel this exotic sensuality as well as a wonderful spiritual wholeness, sometimes referred to as a divine sensuality.

Basically, it links the Base Chakra of life’s vitality – where the Spirit resides quietly, ready to rise up when needed. Sandalwood links from the Base Chakra to the Crown Chakra, where we take in heavenly energies and awareness. Sandalwood oil interactively links all the chakras and their subtle energies so that you can be totally in your physical body, yet in perfect balance and harmony, and you find it easier to focus upon the subtle energies around you.

Sandalwood is good for keeping you grounded, especially when you are experiencing anxiety and fear. It keeps us close to our divine essence, assisting us to interact and cooperate with divine will.


Sandalwood stimulates the brain and endocrine system

How else does this interesting essential oil work? Sandalwood stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands and helps to build up the entire endocrine system of the whole body. This oil helps to regulate the uterus in women. It also contains a high amount of the male hormone called androgen.

Many times you will read on essential oil labels about the “sesquiterpene” levels. Sesquiterpenes possess the ability to pull oxygen out of food and the air. They increase oxygen to the body and the brain


Sandalwood increases oxygen to the brain

How does increased oxygen stimulate the brain? It stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands as well as the amygdala portion of the brain. The amygdala controls arousal, autonomic responses associated with fear, emotional responses and hormonal secretions. Sandalwood has a sesquiterpene content of 90 percent.

Sandalwood is known for cooling the brain during meditation. It helps focus the third eye for spiritual meditation, spiritual sight and spiritual focus.


Humanity has used sandalwood for over 4,000 years. The wood is still used today for carvings like jewelry boxes and furniture. Centuries ago it was used to build temples. Caravans carried it from the best source in Mysore, India to Greece, Egypt and Rome. Egyptians used the oil in embalming. It is considered a non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil.

Currently, Sandalwood is considered an endangered species in India and steps are being taken to promote and protect growth of this unusual parasitic tree that grows by implanting itself onto the roots of other trees.

While pure sandalwood oil is becoming quite expensive the diluted form – like a 25 percent mixture into jojoba oil – is fine for meditation and bathing.

everything_soulful_sandalwood_3Summary about essential oil Sandalwood:

* facilitates deeper meditation and focus

* helps control fear and calm it and alleviates mental confusion

* stimulates the brain and the pituitary and pineal glands

* increases oxygen to the brain and body

* considered a cooling oil as it cools the brain in meditation

* focuses the third eye

* links all the chakras bringing them into balance while still in the physical body

* moisturizes the skin

* non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing

* relaxing and soothes irritability


Highly Recommended: These are our aromatherapy potions that include Sandalwood.  Click the image to read up on their healing properties: