

HEART Infused with Green Aventurine Crystal Aromatherapy Potion
6 months ago

HEART Infused with Green Aventurine Crystal Aromatherapy Potion

You cannot find your soul with your mind, You must use your heart. The heart knows things that the mind cannot explain. ENERGY Perception Self-Worth Compassion
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INTUITION Infused with Amethyst Crystal Aromatherapy Potion
8 years ago

INTUITION Infused with Amethyst Crystal Aromatherapy Potion

Inspire Your Spiritual Development

Amethyst, the stone of “spirituality and contentment”.  It encourages bravery, wisdom and clarity while lifting your spirit. It protects you from over-indulgence and negative …
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Powerful Beyond Measure
8 years ago

Powerful Beyond Measure

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most …
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