

12 Plants & Herbs to Transform Negative Energy
3 years ago

12 Plants & Herbs to Transform Negative Energy

There are specific herbs that have used for millennia, whose frequencies are known to have an impact in deflecting and transforming negative energies. This is largely the basis …
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Lemongrass: Mood Enhancing Stimulator
6 years ago

Lemongrass: Mood Enhancing Stimulator

Lemongrass Is highly recommended for times when the emotions are embedded in misery and in need to overcome it.  It’s strong anti-depressant properties can always be relied upon to improve …
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Centering The Mind with Cardamom
7 years ago

Centering The Mind with Cardamom

Cardamom is a lovely centering oil that is nice for meditation.  It facilitates letting go of burdens and worries that get in the way of quieting our minds.

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