

Red Jasper: The Supreme Nurturer
6 months ago

Red Jasper: The Supreme Nurturer

“I am open to all that is around me and all that is within me.” Known as the “supreme nurturer” sustains and supports through times of stress, brings tranquility and …
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Leopardskin Jasper: Animal Spirit and Earth Connection
6 years ago

Leopardskin Jasper: Animal Spirit and Earth Connection

Leopardskin Jasper is sacred to Native Americans, who consider it their stone ally in ceremonial work.  It connects us with our animal spirit totems and can be used in shamanic …
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August 2018 Horoscopes: Caterpillar to Butterfly
6 years ago

August 2018 Horoscopes: Caterpillar to Butterfly

Bask in the process and go with the flow of it all.  Don’t rush the magic… Delays could be your ally to succeeding your inner transformation. Within the chrysalis the old body …
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