

Universal Love Infusion: Hibiscus. Lavender. Frankincense
5 months ago

Universal Love Infusion: Hibiscus. Lavender. Frankincense

Love recognizes no barriers.  It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.  – Maya Angelou The nature of our divine heart is to be …
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LOTUS Infused with Howlite Crystal Aromatherapy Potion
6 months ago

LOTUS Infused with Howlite Crystal Aromatherapy Potion

“I have a love for the Lotus, while growing in mud it still remains unstained” – Confucius

Just like the Lotus flower, we too have the ability to rise …
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12 Plants & Herbs to Transform Negative Energy
3 years ago

12 Plants & Herbs to Transform Negative Energy

There are specific herbs that have used for millennia, whose frequencies are known to have an impact in deflecting and transforming negative energies. This is largely the basis …
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