

January 2018 Full Moon: Self-Care and Loving Energy
7 years ago

January 2018 Full Moon: Self-Care and Loving Energy

Full Moons always represent a time of completion and releasing, and seeing as this Full Moon falls in the watery sign of Cancer, we are being asked to cleanse and …
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Tourmaline for Energy and Balance
8 years ago

Tourmaline for Energy and Balance

Tourmaline promotes inspiration and happiness, reducing fear, and building self confidence. It also balances yin-yang energies. Helps bridge physical with the spiritual.

Tourmaline comes in a wide variety …
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Benefits of Natural Healing with Crystals
8 years ago

Benefits of Natural Healing with Crystals

Most of have already been unknowingly healing with crystals for years.  Search your jewelry box, and see if you can find one of these.

Stones, crystals and gems have …
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