

Aura Cleansing Smudge: Rosemary, Lavender and Palo Santo
5 months ago

Aura Cleansing Smudge: Rosemary, Lavender and Palo Santo

The aura is an electromagnetic energy field that encompasses the body and picks up vibrational energies.  Your aura can be drained by people and situations: toxic relationships, unfulfilling jobs, family problems.  It can also be affected by …
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HEART Infused with Green Aventurine Crystal Aromatherapy Potion
6 months ago

HEART Infused with Green Aventurine Crystal Aromatherapy Potion

You cannot find your soul with your mind, You must use your heart. The heart knows things that the mind cannot explain. ENERGY Perception Self-Worth Compassion
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GROUNDING Infused with Red Jasper (Root Chakra)
6 months ago

GROUNDING Infused with Red Jasper (Root Chakra)

Grounding energy connecting you deeply to the vibrations of the earth to help keep you centered and balanced.

Being grounded means being fully conscious and fully …
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