
rose quartz

September 2018 Horoscopes: It’s All About Teamwork
6 years ago

September 2018 Horoscopes: It’s All About Teamwork

“Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

A breath of fresh air!  Retrograde and eclipse season is over. This month …
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New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer: Time To Go Within
6 years ago

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer: Time To Go Within

“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens” – Carl Jung We will experience a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer with an opposition to Pluto on July 12th. What makes …
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January 2018 Full Moon: Self-Care and Loving Energy
7 years ago

January 2018 Full Moon: Self-Care and Loving Energy

Full Moons always represent a time of completion and releasing, and seeing as this Full Moon falls in the watery sign of Cancer, we are being asked to cleanse and …
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