
rainbow flourite

MANIFESTATION Infused with Rainbow Flourite
3 years ago

MANIFESTATION Infused with Rainbow Flourite

Revive your light. Manifest your dreams. Realize your worth. Manifestation is a state of mind. The main ingredients are faith, integrity, focus and intention.   Honor yourself, accept your destined path, respect …
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September 2018 Horoscopes: It’s All About Teamwork
6 years ago

September 2018 Horoscopes: It’s All About Teamwork

“Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

A breath of fresh air!  Retrograde and eclipse season is over. This month …
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Unfolding into the Fullness: Leo-Aquarius Eclipse Cycle
6 years ago

Unfolding into the Fullness: Leo-Aquarius Eclipse Cycle

“I am unfolding into the fullness of myself.  I can feel it, a depth and intimacy within myself, full of promise, expansion.”

During this Leo-Aquarius eclipse cycle, …
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