A consortium of multiple Indigenous Organizations in New York City will unify to bring awareness of Indigenous Peoples Day, traditionally celebrated as Columbus Day.


The American Indian Community House, Redhawk Native American Arts Council, United Federation of Taino People, Kechiwa Nation, Halawai, Naoiwi, East Coast Two Spirit Society and Safe Harbors Indigenous Collective.

These organizations hope help New York City follow in the footsteps of, Multnomah County, Oregon, St. Paul, Minnesota; Olympia, Washington; Traverse City, Michigan, Albuquerque and Sandoval County, New Mexico who have all replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. These Cities and the Indigenous populations of United States are banding together to call on Americans to re-thinking who and what Columbus Day symbolizes to Indigenous people to the Americas.


On Columbus Day weekend in 2015 for the first time ever in NYC, 6000 Indigenous people and their supporters gathered on Randall’s Island to celebrate the 523 year survival of First Nations cultures and traditions.  The event received worldwide media coverage and was the beginning of creating Indigenous Peoples Day in NYC.


For 2016, we once again, will be rethinking Columbus Day with a focus on Indigenous people, their beautiful cultures and traditions. This free day will begin at Monday Morning with a 7am sunrise ceremony honoring the Native people around the world who have endured and survived.   Leaders, elders and Medicine people from across North American the Caribbean, Polynesian Islands and South America will sing, pray, and share their cultural traditions with guests overlooking the East River in Harlem New York.  The day will continue with a celebration of spoken word, music, traditional performing artists, guest speakers and contemporary performances. Where will also be artists sharing and selling traditional works, crafts and jewelry.



Help spread the word!

Wards Meadow Loop, New York, NY 10035
